Simpler, Faster electrification with MODULE platform!
We will be the best solution partner for your construction equipment needs.
We will lead the construction equipment industry in achieving ESG carbon reduction goals through self-developed electrification technology.
We support all structural modification solutions that meet customer’s needs.
We support robotics technology in the construction equipment industry through developing remote control and autonomous system.
Simpler, Faster electrification with MODULE platform!
We will be the best solution partner for your construction equipment needs.
We will lead the construction equipment industry in achieving ESG carbon reduction goals through self-developed electrification technology.
We support all structural modification solutions that meet customer’s needs.
We support robotics technology in the construction equipment industry through developing remote control and autonomous system.
ELLECT Co., Ltd. ㅣ CEO: Inkyu Choi
Business registration number: 827-87-02684 [Check business information]
Head office: Room 601, 45 Centumdong-ro, Haeundae-gu, Busan ㅣ RnD Office: Room 201, Corporate Research Center, 54 Charyong-ro 48beon-gil, Uichang-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-doㅣ Workshop: 589 Jinbuksaneop-ro, Masanhappo-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do
TEL: 070-8849-2222 ㅣ E-mail:
The copyright of all works on this site belongs to ELLECT, and unauthorized reproduction or theft is prohibited by the Copyright Act (Article 97, Paragraph 5)
COPYRIGHT ©2023 ELLECT. All Rights Reserved.
ELLECT Co., Ltd. ㅣ CEO: Inkyu Choi ㅣ Business registration number: 827-87-02684 [Check business information]
Head office: Room 610, 45 Centumdong-ro, Haeundae-gu, Busan ㅣ RnD Office: Room 201, Corporate Research Center, 54 Charyong-ro 48beon-gil, Uichang-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-doㅣ Workshop: 589 Jinbuksaneop-ro, Masanhappo-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do
TEL: 070-8849-2222 ㅣ E-mail:
The copyright of all works on this site belongs to ELLECT, and unauthorized reproduction or theft is prohibited by the Copyright Act (Article 97, Paragraph 5)
COPYRIGHT ©2023 ELLECT. All Rights Reserved.Designed by